Yes, the name is very cool. But the skincare is even better.
I have personally never EVER been consistent with a skincare “routine”. I range from getting very invested in different products, to basically just splashing water on my face and that’s it. I really just never found a product that I looked forward to using consistently, probably because a lot of them didn’t feel worth the price.
I am a changed woman, thanks to this little brand right here (they’re actually not little, they were featured on Goop!). FaTH is, to put it mildly, dreamy. I’ve used their Mage Oil twice now (to anyone at FaTH, please confirm how to pronounce this because I have botched it before, I’m sure) and had to literally stop myself from practically drinking the bottle its so good. It makes your skin glow for the whole day, which as we know, is hard to do.
The brand is cultivated around a ritual founded by Faith Appleton, and the company sits just north of Boston on a beautiful farm where they have their research and bottling facilities. While the ingredients are sourced from sustainable expert growers internationally, the land on the farm itself is used for product research and to further cultivate and restore natural ecosystems.
FaTH is a beautiful brand, from the thoughtfulness behind the products themselves, to the packaging which is simple and clean. I highly, HIGHLY recommend this for a Mother’s Day gift (hi mom!) or for a wedding present. If you’re a really fancy bride, you can give it to bridesmaids!
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