“I don’t know how often I shop, but how often do I buy something? Every day.”

The great Kyle Richard’s (Real Housewives of Beverly Hills) once said “I don’t know how often I shop, but how often do I buy something? Every day.”

I think it’s an interesting take on consumerism in general and maybe even joy. 

There’s retail therapy and shopping addiction for sure, but then there’s taking pleasure in the little moments of the day that, as Marie Kondo would say, spark joy. 

For many of us, these come in the form of finding a really great customized pen in a museum gift shop on a random Saturday.

I wouldn’t call this a shopping addiction, and I don’t even think that Kyle would say she buys designer clothes every day. That’s not the part that sparks joy. It’s finding the things you love at airport terminal shops, gift shops in museums (these are always the BEST), cruise ship shops, and amusement park gift shops. 

How can anyone say this is a problem? Especially when the act of scavenging for the little gems, as I consider it, is a skill. You find that unique pair of sunglasses and just know they will fit your face perfectly.

I encourage this kind of shopping. Simply the pleasure of buying because you love it.


Five things I’m into right now


A few resolutions