Saathi Pads

Saathi is a new kind of women’s health company. With an inclusive business model built around three pillars, body, environment, and community, while integrating the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), their impact goes beyond product innovation and into real, measurable change.

There’s a lot of waste when it comes to sanitary pads and menstrual products. For a perfectly healthy, natural thing, it seems we really don’t have a good way of keeping women comfortable and feeling clean (sigh…).

Saathi makes menstrual products. Saathi pads are made from bamboo and banana fibers instead of plastic, making them a safer and more comfortable product for women in general. These materials use 6x less water and 10x less fertilizer compared to cotton and are 100% natural and biodegradable within six months of being used.

The product lifecycle aims to support the community at every stage. Saathi buys the discarded stems from farmers and employs an all-women manufacturing unit, creating extra income and jobs. The pads are then sold online and in retail stores at a premium, subsidizing pads for underserved women in more rural areas. Girls and women all get natural pads while supporting economic growth for women and local farmers.

All of this information is on their website at

This post is intentionally short because I want you to visit their website and get outta here!



